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7 types of foods that are better off avoiding the fridge
  • 2023-11-24
  • admin

Embark on a culinary exploration as this article challenges conventional refrigeration norms, spotlighting seven types of foods that fare better when kept away from the cold confines of the fridge. Beyond the routine of stashing fresh produce in the refrigerator, the piece unravels the intricacies of optimal food preservation. From tropical fruits like bananas and mangoes resisting under-ripening to the nuanced dance of starch breakdown in potatoes, each section unveils the science behind effective storage. Delving further, it dispels common myths surrounding refrigeration practices, addressing questions on washing fruits, separating vegetables and fruits, and the age-old debate on cooling cooked food. Join this journey of discovery, where tradition meets science, reshaping the way we perceive our refrigerators and their role in culinary preservation.


This article highlights seven types of foods that are better off avoiding the fridge, as refrigeration might hasten their spoilage.


It's a common practice for many to toss newly purchased fresh foods straight into the refrigerator. However, not everyone is aware that not all foods are suitable for refrigeration. For one, refrigerators need some breathing space for proper air circulation to maintain the right temperature and curb bacterial growth, ensuring effective preservation. Moreover, while lower temperatures assist in preserving many foods, some actually have a shorter shelf life when stored in the fridge, making them more prone to spoilage or affecting their texture.


Let's delve into the seven types of foods that are less than ideal for refrigeration:


1. Tropical Fruits

Tropical fruits like bananas, mangoes, and papayas are usually plucked before reaching full ripeness. Storing unripe fruits in the refrigerator suppresses the release of ethylene, a natural ripening agent. Consequently, these fruits may remain under-ripened in the fridge and are susceptible to freezing damage. The optimum storage temperature for such fruits generally exceeds 8°C.


2. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes, rich in starch, undergo starch breakdown at low temperatures, affecting their texture. Refrigerator cooling can also release moisture, creating a damp environment conducive to sprouting. Sprouted potatoes and sweet potatoes may contain elevated levels of solanine, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Storing them with apples in a box or bag can slow down sprouting.


3. Garlic and Onions

Despite the fridge's low temperature, high humidity can encourage mold growth on garlic and onions. Furthermore, the potent aroma of these foods can permeate other items in the refrigerator. It's advisable to store them in a dry, well-ventilated area.


4. Bread

The process of retrogradation, where starch molecules realign, causing bread to become stale and hard, accelerates at low temperatures. Freshly baked bread is best stored in a large airtight bag at room temperature, and it's recommended to consume it within the specified shelf life.


5. Honey

Honey naturally possesses preservative properties. Crystallization of glucose may occur in honey under low temperatures, altering its texture. It's recommended to store honey in a sealed container in a cool place.


Honey naturally possesses preservative properties.


6. Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Refrigerating Chinese medicinal herbs can lead to dampness and deterioration, affecting their medicinal properties and potentially causing adverse effects. Valuable herbs like ginseng and deer antler can be stored in a clean glass bottle with roasted glutinous rice, kept in a cool and well-ventilated place.


7. Coffee and Tea Leaves

Dried products like coffee and tea leaves have low water content, inhibiting microbial growth. Refrigeration can introduce moisture, leading to mold and compromising quality. Sealing them well and freezing for extended storage can be considered for items that won't be used soon.


Dispelling Common Refrigeration Myths:


1. Should fruits and vegetables be washed before refrigerating?

Washing fruits and vegetables before refrigeration, especially those with abundant breathing pores like cucumbers and carrots, can make them damp. This, combined with the humid and cold environment in the refrigerator, is conducive to mold growth. It's suggested to wipe the surface of fruits and vegetables with a clean cloth if they are dirty, cover them with a fresh-keeping bag, and then place them in the refrigerator.


2. Can fruits and vegetables be stored together?

While many know that meat and vegetables should be separated, some overlook the importance of separating vegetables and fruits. Certain fruits (such as apples, bananas, and pears) release ethylene gas when ripening. This gas promotes leaf shedding and ripening in fruits, which can accelerate the decay of vegetables. Therefore, it is recommended to store fruits prone to ethylene release separately from vegetables and to seal them.


3. Should cooked food be cooled before refrigerating?

There is a common belief that food should be cooled before placing it in the refrigerator to avoid affecting the efficiency of the cooling system and shortening the refrigerator's lifespan. However, the cooling process provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth, especially in hot summers, where bacteria can multiply at an accelerated rate. In reality, after finishing a meal, the temperature of the food has already decreased significantly. Therefore, it can be directly packaged and placed in the refrigerator without increasing the burden on the appliance. It is also important to thoroughly heat food taken out of the refrigerator before consumption.


the storage location is crucial, as different areas of the refrigerator have temperature variations. The suitable items for storage also differ.


4. Does the storage location in the refrigerator matter?

Many people store items in the refrigerator without any particular organization. However, the storage location is crucial, as different areas of the refrigerator have temperature variations. The suitable items for storage also differ. Additionally, it is recommended to follow the principle of placing cooked food at the top, semi-cooked items below, and raw food at the bottom to avoid cross-contamination.



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