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The science behind NMN: The Anti-aging Effect of NMN Supplement
  • 2024-01-24
  • admin

Ever wondered about the secret to staying youthful and healthy? Enter Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), a natural substance that plays a crucial role in combating the aging process. This article is your guide to understanding why NMN matters. Essentially, NMN is like a superhero that helps create a vital compound called NAD+, responsible for turning food into energy and repairing our DNA. As we age, our NAD+ levels drop, leading to various health issues. NMN steps in to boost NAD+ levels, potentially preventing problems like obesity, diabetes, and mental disorders. The article breaks down the science behind NMN, its positive effects on energy metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and overall well-being. It even recommends a supplement, AIDEVI NMN 18000, as a handy tool in the fight against aging, making the complex topic accessible for everyone.


What is Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)?

NMN is a natural substance that falls into the category of bioactive nucleotides. It acts as a precursor to NAD+, an essential coenzyme involved in various biological processes like aging and gene expression. Kathryn Piper, a registered dietitian, explains that NAD+ is crucial for turning the food we eat into energy for our cells and for supporting enzymes that repair DNA and protect our cells.


When nicotinamide transforms into NMN and then into NAD+ in our body, it plays a vital role. If there's not enough NAD+, it can lead to health problems like age-related metabolic issues, mental disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. Piper mentions that conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease may be linked to a deficiency in NAD+.


As we delve into the exploration of how NMN can aid in combating aging, let's take a moment to grasp the basic understanding of the aging process in our bodies.


NAD+ and Aging

In the world of living things, when the levels of a molecule called NAD+ increase inside cells, it sets off changes that help organisms survive better. These changes include producing more energy and improving the repair processes in cells. Aging, which happens slowly over time, is often described as a breakdown in the body's ability to stay strong and healthy. This breakdown is triggered by a decrease in the production of NAD+, leading to problems in organs and tissues that are more prone to issues.


As we get older, our NAD+ levels drop significantly. Studies have shown that boosting these levels can improve how our body responds to insulin, fix problems in the energy-producing parts of our cells (mitochondria), and even extend lifespan. There are different ways to increase NAD+, such as activating enzymes that make it, stopping enzymes that break it down (like CD38), and taking substances that the body can turn into NAD+, such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN).


A concept called "NAD World" suggests that NMN, in particular, plays a crucial role as a signaling molecule in the body, helping to keep the communication network that supports NAD+ strong and healthy. When we take NMN as a supplement, our body quickly absorbs it and turns it into NAD+. Many studies have found that NMN supplementation can boost NAD+ levels, reduce inflammation in fat tissues related to aging, improve insulin function, enhance the performance of our mitochondria, and benefit the function of our brain cells.


NMN: Anti-aging Supplement

Our body's ability to make and control NAD+ involves a complex process. Vitamin B3 is crucial for creating Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) serves as a powerful precursor for NAD+. While NMN is found in small amounts in fruits and vegetables, our bodies mostly make NMN from vitamin B3. This conversion is managed by an enzyme called nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), which exists inside and outside our cells.


The extracellular form of NAMPT has higher activity and is found in fluids like blood plasma. Various cell types, including those in fat, liver, white blood cells, heart, and brain, contribute to this process. Interestingly, as we age, the levels of NAMPT, along with NAD+ and NMN, decrease. Fat cells actively release NMN, suggesting they play a role in NAD+ production. Adipose tissue also releases small particles (extracellular vesicles) enriched with NMN, which can travel in our blood.


NMN and another compound, NR, work together. NMN can convert to NR and vice versa with the help of enzymes. There's a recent discovery of a transporter that can directly carry NMN into cells. This transportation happens through cell membranes into the cell's center. The levels of NMN transport vary in different tissues. Interestingly, the small intestine seems to be a hotspot for this process, possibly influenced by our gut bacteria.


As we grow older, the levels of NMN decrease, and the aging process itself makes it harder for our bodies to convert NMN into NAD+.


Evidence of Anti-aging Effect of NMN

In various mouse models of diseases and aging, NMN has exhibited a diverse range of notable effects, providing benefits for conditions ranging from diabetes and Alzheimer's disease to ischemia.


Orally administered NMN is swiftly converted into NAD+ in mouse tissues. NMN has demonstrated the ability to curb age-related weight gain, enhance energy metabolism and physical activity, improve insulin sensitivity, enhance eye function, boost mitochondrial metabolism, and prevent age-related alterations in gene expression. In mice genetically predisposed to diabetes or obesity, NMN has shown improvements in both insulin action and secretion. Additionally, NMN has provided protection against ischemia and/or reperfusion injury to the mouse heart. It has also contributed to the restoration of skeletal muscle in aged mice and slowed cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. These effects are attributed to improvements in neuron survival, enhanced energy metabolism, and reduced levels of reactive oxygen species. NMN may also contribute to maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. With its potential to reduce inflammaging—age-related inflammation in adipose tissue—NMN emerges as a promising candidate. Interestingly, older mice seem to exhibit a more favorable response to NMN compared to their younger counterparts.


Furthermore, NMN appears to exhibit stability in water, with 93%–99% of NMN remaining intact in drinking water at room temperature for 7–10 days in a study. Rapid absorption is another characteristic, as evidenced by a steep increase in plasma NMN within two and a half minutes of oral gavage to mice, with further increments at 5-10 minutes. Subsequently, plasma levels decline to baseline, indicating rapid absorption in the gut. Long-term oral administration of NMN, up to doses of 300 mg/kg over one year, has been found to be safe and well-tolerated in normal mice.

 I favor the AIDEVI NMN 18000, a prominent NMN supplement currently available in the market. 

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NMN Supplement Recommend:

I favor the AIDEVI NMN 18000, a prominent NMN supplement currently available in the market. Each capsule contains a strong 300mg of NMN, along with PQQ, resveratrol, and anthocyanin, offering a holistic approach to staying vital and youthful. NMN is a direct helper of the important NAD+ molecule, supporting cellular energy and overall well-being. The mix of PQQ, resveratrol, and anthocyanin in this formula adds extra power against aging and provides antioxidants. Made with high standards in the USA, AIDEVI's NMN18000 M represents advanced research and natural wellness, helping you stand strong against the effects of time.






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