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AIDEVI Lab Research: NMN Can Increase Telomere Length&Enhance Telomere Stability
  • 2024-03-21
  • admin

AIDEVI Research has found: NMN can increase telomere length and enhance telomere stability. 

1.What is Telomeres?

Telomeres are special structures located at the ends of chromosomes, composed of repetitive DNA sequences and protein complexes. They function as protective caps, safeguarding chromosomes from damage and degradation. Telomeres play a crucial role in maintaining chromosome integrity and stability.

During each cell division, a small portion of the chromosome end cannot be completely replicated due to limitations in the DNA replication process. This results in gradual shortening of telomere length with increasing cell divisions. When telomeres shorten to a certain extent, cells enter a state of senescence or lose functionality, or even undergo apoptosis.

Telomeres protect chromosomes by preventing damage and degradation at chromosome ends. They also participate in maintaining chromosome stability, preventing fusion of chromosome ends and incorrect repair. Thus, telomeres are considered critical factors for long-term cell survival and function, particularly in avoiding cellular aging and resisting diseases.

2.How NMN works on Telomere?

Telomere length has been confirmed as an important marker of aging, with telomeres gradually wearing down and shortening with age. Maintaining telomere stability is considered by the scientific community as one of the important mechanisms to resist aging.
Telomeres are special structures at the ends of chromosomes, crucial for maintaining chromosome integrity and cellular stability. As age advances, telomeres gradually shorten, leading to decreased cellular function and aging. Therefore, increasing telomere length and stability has become an important direction in anti-aging research. The impact of NMN on telomere length and stability is a hot topic in research.
Regarding telomere length, the mechanism of action of NMN is mainly achieved through the activation of telomerase. Telomerase is an enzyme capable of synthesizing telomeric DNA, compensating for the loss of telomere length due to cell division. NMN activates telomerase by increasing NAD+ levels, thereby promoting telomeric DNA synthesis and increasing telomere length. This process helps maintain chromosome stability and normal cellular function, thereby delaying cellular aging and the onset of diseases.
In addition to increasing telomere length, NMN also enhances telomere stability. Telomere stability is influenced by various factors, including telomere structure, telomere-binding proteins, and damage to telomeric DNA. NMN improves cellular metabolic status, enhances cellular antioxidant capacity, reduces damage to telomeric DNA, and thus maintains telomere stability. Furthermore, NMN promotes the expression and activity of telomere-binding proteins, further strengthening telomere structure and enhancing telomere stability.
The effects of NMN in increasing telomere length and stability have been confirmed in multiple studies.
For example, some animal experiments have shown that administration of NMN leads to a significant increase in telomere length in experimental animals, accompanied by improvements in cellular function and lifespan extension. These results suggest that NMN has great potential in the field of anti-aging.

3.The ways NMN molecules promote telomeres:

The promotion of NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) on telomeres occurs through two main mechanisms: by affecting the activity of telomerase and by influencing the expression and activity of telomere-binding proteins.

(1)Affecting the activity of telomerase: Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for synthesizing and maintaining the structure of telomeres. NMN can increase the activity of telomerase by elevating the cellular levels of NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide). NAD+ is an important coenzyme involved in various metabolic processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair. When NAD+ levels increase, the activity of telomerase may be enhanced, promoting the synthesis of telomeric DNA and thus increasing telomere length and stability.

 (2)Influencing the expression and activity of telomere-binding proteins: Telomere-binding proteins are a class of proteins that bind to telomeres and maintain their stability. NMN may indirectly affect the expression and activity of telomere-binding proteins by improving cellular metabolic status and enhancing cellular antioxidant capacity. This can be achieved by reducing damage to telomeric DNA and promoting the synthesis and function of telomere-binding proteins, thereby maintaining telomere stability.

In summary, NMN promotes telomere length and stability by affecting the activity of telomerase and the expression and activity of telomere-binding proteins. These effects help maintain chromosome integrity and normal cellular function, thereby delaying cellular aging and the onset of diseases.

4.AIDEVI Laboratory Researchment On NMN and Telomere:

AIDEVI Laboratory has made significant progress in researching telomerase and has successfully developed nutritional supplements such as AIDEVI NMN18000 and NMN21000, which promote telomerase extension in a natural and safe manner.

Among these, AIDEVI NMN18000 features a classic formula with 300mg of NMN per serving, combined with substances like Resveratrol and PQQ. This combination maximizes the conversion of NAD+ supplements, providing an energy source to cells and promoting telomere extension, ultimately aiming for longevity.

Through these innovative nutritional supplements, AIDEVI Laboratory offers a safe and effective means to enhance cellular function and promote healthy aging. The development of these products signifies continued dedication and investment in the fields of health and longevity.



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