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Ergothioneine: The Most Powerful Antioxidant on Earth?
  • 2024-01-30
  • admin

Ergothioneine – it's likely not a term many are familiar with, let alone its benefits. Yet, in the realm of dietary supplements, ergothioneine reigns as a top-tier natural antioxidant. While "antioxidant" has become a buzzword in skincare and wellness circles in recent years, ergothioneine's prowess lies in its ability to combat oxidative stress without depleting itself, while also synergizing with other antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione. Think of it as the ultimate tune-up for your body's engine: just as a car needs regular maintenance to stay in top shape, ergothioneine dives deep into your mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells, clearing out harmful free radicals and giving your body a fresh start.

Ergothioneine: The Most Powerful Antioxidant on Earth?
What is Ergothioneine (EGT)?

Ergothioneine is a special compound that contains sulfur and comes from the amino acid histidine. It was discovered over a hundred years ago in 1909, but we're still figuring out all the ways it works in our bodies. Unlike some other substances, our bodies can't make Ergothioneine on their own, so we mainly get it from the food we eat. If we don't have enough of it, it can affect how well our bodies respond to stress and can even lead to toxicity issues.

Scientists are so interested in Ergothioneine that they've started calling it a "vitamin," even though it's not officially classified as one yet. This idea is gaining popularity in the scientific community, and it's leading to new research.

Ergothioneine was first found in a fungus that grows on rye called Claviceps purpurea, which is why it's named "ergothioneine." It was isolated and its structure was identified in 1911. Initially, it was found in certain bacteria and fungi, and later on, it was discovered in other types of bacteria and microbes.

What's interesting is that, in certain organisms like mycobacteria, which are a type of bacteria, and fungi, Ergothioneine is a crucial part of their makeup. Unlike other living things where a compound called glutathione is important, in mycobacteria, Ergothioneine takes on a major role alongside another compound called mycothiol.

Ergothioneine and mycothiol are not just hanging around; they play a key role in making a specific antibiotic called lincomycin A. This antibiotic contains sulfur and belongs to a group called lincosamides.

The presence of Ergothioneine in mammals, like pigs, was discovered when scientists found it in pig blood. In separate studies, it was recognized as the substance that can interfere with the detection of uric acid.

So, in a nutshell, Ergothioneine is a fascinating compound found in various living things, including us, and it seems to have important roles in our health and the health of other organisms. Scientists are still uncovering all the ways it contributes to our well-being.

Anti-aging vs. Antioxidation

Before we talk about how ergothioneine supplements might help with anti-aging, let's understand two things: what is anti-aging, and what is antioxidation?

Firstly, let's talk about free radicals. They're troublemakers caused by things like breathing, pollution, and radiation. These active molecules can lead to diseases and aging. They're often called the source of aging and various health problems.

Because we're always exposed to the outside world, our bodies produce too many free radicals. This messes up the balance in our bodies and damages our cells, leading to aging effects like dull skin, spots, and wrinkles.

Now, antioxidants are like superheroes. They can neutralize free radicals, either by directly dealing with them or by stopping the substances that create free radicals. This helps prevent further damage and keeps us looking and feeling younger.

When you reach this point, would you still think that antioxidation is the same as anti-aging? Well, the truth is, antioxidation and anti-aging are not interchangeable terms.

Okay, imagine antioxidation and anti-aging as two different superheroes.

  • Antioxidation (the Defender): Picture harmful free radicals as troublemakers that can make your skin dry and saggy, speeding up the aging process. Antioxidation steps in like a superhero to reduce these troublemakers, keeping your skin safer.
  • Anti-aging (the Time-Stopper): Now, think of aging as a big challenge for your whole body, not just your face. Anti-aging is like a superhero power that helps slow down this aging process, keeping your body healthy and your mind sharp for as long as possible.

So, even though antioxidation is a superhero too, it's not the only thing that fights aging. People often mix up antioxidation with anti-aging, but they're different. Depending only on antioxidants to fight aging isn't a sure thing; too much can even cause problems. To really fight aging, you need to think about things like cleaning up your body, keeping everything running smoothly, and helping your body repair itself. That's the real secret to feeling and looking younger.

Ergothioneine, a Natural “Antioxidant”?

Ergothioneine is a potent antioxidant that safeguards our bodies against damage inflicted by harmful substances through various mechanisms:

Firstly, it scavenges free radicals, such as hydroxyl radicals (OH), and can directly neutralize them. Additionally, it adeptly counteracts other reactive molecules like hypochlorous acid (HClO) and peroxynitrite, which can harm our cells.

Secondly, EGT collaborates with our body's natural defense systems, bolstering their antioxidant capabilities. By activating protective pathways and regulating essential enzymes and proteins, EGT enhances our body's ability to fend off harmful substances.

Thirdly, EGT can bind to certain metal ions like iron, copper, and zinc, rendering them less reactive and thereby preventing damage. It can also inhibit the activity of enzymes reliant on these metals, further diminishing the production of harmful molecules.

Ergothioneine in Tissues, Extracellular Fluids and Cell Culture

Ergothioneine can build up to high levels in different tissues of both humans and animals. It's especially plentiful in red blood cells, liver, and spleen. For example, in human blood, it can reach around 125 μm, and in mice, it's about 220 μm. Even higher levels are found within red blood cells themselves. When mice eat ET, it quickly spreads to various organs like the liver, brain, and eyes. This means EGT can also end up in cell cultures made with animal sera, but the levels can vary between batches.

In humans, giving EGT leads to big increases in both blood and plasma levels. What's interesting is that even after people stop taking EGT, levels in the blood keep going up for up to four weeks, showing our bodies really hold onto it. Our research has also found EGT in fluids like cerebrospinal fluid and eye fluid. Animals also have a lot of ET in their semen. Understanding how ET moves around and sticks around in the body is important for research and possibly treating diseases.

Ergothioneine as a Potential Treatment for Diseases

Ergothioneine might help treat various diseases. Studies have found that people with certain illnesses have lower levels of EGT in their bodies compared to healthy people. This suggests that giving EGT as a treatment could raise these levels and possibly help treat or prevent these diseases. EGT has been shown to be safe in both animals and humans, even at high doses. It's been approved as a supplement in the European Union and is considered safe by the US Food and Drug Administration.

  1. Eye Disorders: EGT is found in the eyes and might protect them from damage caused by things like bright light and aging. Some studies suggest that people with low levels of EGT are more likely to develop eye problems like cataracts. This means that boosting EGT levels could potentially help prevent these issues.
  2. Kidney Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer: EGT might also be helpful in conditions like kidney disease and diabetes, where there's a lot of damage caused by harmful substances in the body. There's also some evidence suggesting that EGT might play a role in cancer, possibly by helping cancer cells defend themselves from treatment.
  3. Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases: When the heart doesn't get enough oxygen, it can get damaged. EGT might help protect the heart from this kind of damage by fighting harmful substances in the body. It could also help protect other organs from similar damage.
  4. Neurodegenerative Diseases: EGT seems to protect brain cells in studies done with animals. It's been found to help against damage caused by certain harmful substances in the brain. In people, lower levels of EGT have been linked to problems like memory loss and Parkinson's disease. So, giving EGT as a supplement might be helpful for these conditions.

Advantages of Ergothioneine Over Other Antioxidants

The antioxidant properties of EGT offer several advantages compared to other antioxidants like GSH and ascorbic acid. Firstly, EGT, as a natural antioxidant, can accumulate in certain tissues at high concentrations without causing toxicity. Studies analyzing the source and intake levels of EGT suggest that adults can safely consume 1.7 mg/kg bw per day, while children can tolerate up to 3.7 mg/kg bw per day. High-dose or acute experiments in animals and cells have shown no toxic effects of EGT, even at concentrations as high as 5,000 μg/ml. Long-term oral supplementation experiments in rats also demonstrated no reproductive or developmental toxicity, even at maximum doses. Regulatory bodies like the EFSA have deemed synthetic EGT safe for consumption at recommended intake levels.

Secondly, EGT can be obtained through diet and quickly distributed throughout the body thanks to specific transport mechanisms. Unlike other antioxidants, EGT undergoes minimal metabolism and accumulates at high levels in tissues.

Thirdly, EGT remains stable under physiological conditions, existing mainly in its thione form. This stability prevents auto-oxidation and avoids promoting harmful reactions like the Fenton reaction. Additionally, previous studies suggest that EGT may have other biological functions, such as inhibiting certain viruses, supporting red blood cell growth, and regulating energy metabolism. However, further research is needed to understand these additional functions and how they contribute to the protective effects of EGT.

AIDEVI EGT Ergothioneine capsules are one of the well-known Ergothioneine supplements available today.

Ergothioneine Supplement Recommend: AIDEVI Ergothioneine

AIDEVI EGT Ergothioneine capsules are one of the well-known Ergothioneine supplements available today. They are formulated with the exceptional properties of ergothioneine and a series of health-enhancing ingredients, such as ALA, Fisetin, and Ceramide. Meanwhile, the 30-day money-back guarantee enables customers to easily opt for a refund if they are not satisfied with the product. The price of each bottle of AIDEVI EGT Ergothioneine is reasonable and affordable.

Daily Dosage of Ergothioneine

The ideal daily intake of L-ergothioneine remains uncertain, as further research is required to comprehensively grasp its impact on human health. Nonetheless, some studies propose that a daily dose ranging from 5 to 10 mg of L-ergothioneine could potentially offer health benefits.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the safety and effectiveness of L-ergothioneine supplements have not been fully validated, and there is limited data regarding the appropriate dosage for specific health conditions or demographic groups. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplements, including L-ergothioneine, into your regimen, to ensure they are safe and suitable for your individual requirements.

In summary, Ergothioneine (EGT) is a remarkable compound sourced from dietary sources, crucial for various living organisms, including humans. While discovered over a century ago, ongoing research continues to unravel its multifaceted roles in our bodies. EGT's potent antioxidant properties, ability to bind to metal ions, and stability under physiological conditions set it apart, showing promise in potential therapeutic applications for conditions such as eye disorders, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, heart and blood vessel diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. Supplements like AIDEVI Ergothioneine capsules have been formulated to harness the benefits of EGT, with ongoing studies aiming to determine optimal dosages and specific health impacts. As EGT's significance gains recognition, it stands as a compelling area for future research and potential advancements in healthcare.



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